Our team is made up of career professionals that know and understand best practice methodologies of EDI and e-business. We can perform every aspect of an e-business / EDI implementation as well as EDI troubleshooting, auditing, disaster recovery and high availability planning and implementation.
Support for any EDI issue
Regardless of platform or software, we can handle all of your EDI needs with the expertise you expect in order to provide superior value to you and your partners.
Extensive knowledge of software and program languages
Our consultants are well rounded in their knowledge of commonly used EDI software products as well as various programming languages used for back-end integration.
Experts in a variety of industries
We have assembled an expert team of EDI professionals that have over 20 years of knowledge and experience to address your needs regardless of business type or size.
What Our Customers Are Saying
“Having the right foundation in place is a key for us at North Side Foods; each order placed and received is critically important. Foundational helped us clarify our e-business needs and implemented an integrated e-business solution that fits our business. As a results our process is smoother, we have better access to transactional data, and our supply chain is better integrated.”
Robin Caldwell, North Side Foods
Have us contact you to customize a solution that fits your business.
Or give us a call at 888-657-2345